Arts in Health Consulting
Art engagement creates healthier communities.
Collaborative pieces
Trained staff members leading regular art activities
Space and supplies provided for people to take “art breaks”
Art kits “to-go” for patrons, employees, or community
Art technique demonstrations with options to participate
Adding a studio to your business or institution
Exhibiting art created by employees, patrons, or local artists
Regular art programming can be an incredible way to make your community better— whether it’s provided for staff, patients, caregivers, community members, or volunteers.
Evidence shows that Arts in Medicine and Arts in Community Health programming relieve stress, reduce loneliness, increase socialization, serve as positive distraction, reduce stress, increase self-efficacy, help people find a sense of purpose, and increase overall well-being. In healthcare scenarios, the patient experience is enhanced through a more holistic, person-centered provision of services.
For employers in any industry, providing space and time for staff to engage in art-making regularly can improve their mindset, lower stress, and increase positive perception of their employer.
We know that throughout every stage of life— infancy through older adulthood— art helps with self-expression, bonding, brain plasticity, creative problem solving, and resilience. The process of making art, not the outcome, is what’s important.
Kasey holds a B.S., Community Health from Texas A&M, and an M.A., Arts in Medicine, from The University of Florida. Her Capstone research involved peer support workers in the mental health and addiction community. She is considered an expert in the field of Virtual Art provision, lecturing to graduate students each semester on the ethical and logistical considerations of this endeavor in the age of Zoom.
She has worked at length in pediatrics and oncology, garnered plenty of experience with infection control protocol and inpatient/outpatient logistics, as well as standards for regulatory agencies including JCAHO and CMS. She is well-versed in HIPAA and patient privacy compliance, and holds high ethical standards.
Consultancy rates start at $50/hour for virtual consults and $100/hour for onsite consults.